ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rider (politics)

Imagine you are going on a trip with your family and you want to stop for ice cream. However, your parents say you can only stop for ice cream if you eat all your vegetables first. This is kind of like a rider in politics.

A rider is when politicians add extra things to a bill that are not related to the main topic. For example, let's say there is a bill about building a new park. A rider could be added to the bill that says all dogs must be registered with the government.

Sometimes politicians add riders to bills because they want to sneak something past other politicians who may not have noticed it otherwise. Other times it's just a way to push through something that may not have been able to pass on its own.

Overall, riders can be a way for politicians to get things they want passed, but they can also make it harder for bills to pass if too many people disagree with the extra things added.