ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cornhusker Kickback

Okay, kiddo, so you know how sometimes people make deals to get what they want, right? Well, there was a time when the government was trying to pass a law that would help people get health care. But some of the politicians didn't like the law, so they said they wouldn't vote for it unless they got something they wanted in return.

One of the politicians from the state of Nebraska, which is nicknamed the Cornhusker State, said he wouldn't vote for the health care law unless his state got a special deal. This deal was called the "Cornhusker kickback". Basically, it meant that the government would pay all the costs for extra people who would get health care in Nebraska.

Now, this seemed like a good deal for Nebraska, but other states thought it was unfair because they weren't getting the same deal. Plus, lots of people were upset because they thought the politicians were only thinking about themselves instead of what was best for everyone.

Eventually, the "Cornhusker kickback" was taken out of the law because it was causing too much controversy and people thought it was a bad idea. So, now we don't hear about it as much. But the idea of making deals in politics is still happening, and it's important for us to understand what's going on so we can make good decisions.