ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rishama (ablution)

Rishama, also known as ablution, is a special way of cleaning that some religions require their followers to do before praying or worshiping. It involves washing the hands, face, arms, and feet with water. This can be done in a special sink called a wudu or using a bucket or cup of water.

The reason for doing rishama is to cleanse both the body and the mind. By cleaning the body, a person is preparing to speak with and worship their God. By taking a few moments to focus on the ritual washing, the mind is cleared of everyday distractions and concerns, leaving it open to connect with a higher power.

The exact process of rishama can vary from religion to religion, but the basic steps are the same. First, a person begins by saying a prayer to God, asking for forgiveness and guidance. Then, water is used to wash the right hand three times, followed by the left hand three times. Next, water is splashed onto the face three times, making sure to get the mouth, nose, and ears. After that, the right arm is washed up to the elbow three times, followed by the left arm. Finally, the feet are washed, starting with the right foot and working up to the ankle, and then the left foot.

After completing rishama, a person is considered clean and pure, and ready to perform their religious duties. It is important to note that rishama is not just a physical cleansing, but a spiritual one as well. It is about connecting with God and preparing oneself to receive guidance and blessings.
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