ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ritz method

Have you ever played with Legos? The Ritz method is kind of like building something with Legos. But instead of using Legos, we use a bunch of small mathematical formulas that we stick together to make bigger formulas, just like we stick together Legos to make bigger structures.

These formulas tell us things about how certain things behave, like how tall a building will be or how strong a bridge needs to be. But, sometimes, we want to know the answer to a problem that we can't solve with just one formula. That's where the Ritz method comes in!

What the Ritz method does is it takes a problem that we can't solve with just one formula and breaks it down into a bunch of smaller problems that we can solve. Then, we use all of these small solutions to build a bigger solution to the original problem, just like how we use Legos to build a bigger structure.

It's kind of like making a puzzle piece by piece until we have the whole picture. We take the little formulas and stick them together until we have the answer we need. And just like with Legos, the more formulas we have to work with, the bigger and more complex solutions we can create.

So, in summary, the Ritz method is a way to solve complicated problems by breaking them down into smaller ones and building a solution piece by piece using a bunch of formulas. It's like building something with Legos, but with math!