ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Robert Goddard

Robert Goddard was a man who lived a long time ago. He really liked rockets and spaceships a lot. He wanted to help people go to space and explore the universe.

Goddard did lots of experiments to figure out how rockets work. He was very smart and studied lots of books about math, science, and engineering.

One day, Goddard built a special rocket and lit it up. It went up, up, up into the sky! This was the first time anyone had made a rocket that could fly up high.

Goddard kept making better and better rockets, and he kept trying new things to see how far they could go. He wanted to go to space himself one day, but he never got to.

Even though Goddard never did get to go to space, his ideas and inventions helped other people go up into space years later. Today, we have astronauts living and working on the International Space Station, thanks in part to what Robert Goddard figured out about rockets so long ago.