ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Roman economy

Alright kiddo, let's talk about the Roman economy. So, the economy is all about how people make and use money. Like how you get an allowance from your parents and use that to buy things you want, like toys or candy.

In ancient Rome, they had a lot of different ways they made and used their money. One way was through farming. A lot of people in ancient Rome were farmers, and they grew crops like fruits, vegetables, and grain. They would sell those crops at the market to make money.

Another way they made money was through trade. Rome was a big empire, so they traded with other countries like Egypt and Greece. They would trade things like wine, olive oil, cloth, and pottery.

They also had coins that they used as money. People could use these coins to buy things they needed, like food and clothing. And there were even people who worked as metalworkers, who made the coins.

But not everyone in ancient Rome had the same amount of money. Some people were very rich, and they had lots of land and big houses. Other people were very poor, and they had to work hard just to get enough food to eat.

So, that's a quick overview of the Roman economy, kiddo. It's all about how people make and use money, and in ancient Rome, they did that through farming, trade, and coins.