ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Romanian military equipment of World War I

Sweetie, during World War I, Romania was one of the countries involved in the fighting. To protect itself, Romania had military equipment, which means things like guns, tanks, and planes that were used by soldiers to fight the enemy.

Now, Romania's military equipment was not as strong as some other countries at the time, like Germany or France. They had mostly older weapons and equipment, like rifles and cannons. However, Romania did have some unique and interesting items too!

One of these was a special light machine gun that was designed by a Romanian engineer named Pusca Mitraliera Hotchkiss. This gun was used by Romanian soldiers on the front lines and was very popular because it was easy to handle and very reliable.

Romania also had its own airplane design, called the IAR 11, which was used to fight in the skies. Although it was not as fast as some other planes being used at the time, it was still an important part of Romania's military equipment.

Overall, despite not having the most advanced military equipment, Romania was still able to fight in World War I with strength and pride.