ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Route of the Borgias

Okay kiddo, let me explain the Route of the Borgias to you in a way that you can understand!

Back in the olden days, there was a powerful family called the Borgias who lived in Italy. They were very famous and had a lot of money and power. People used to talk about this family a lot and they were known for doing some pretty sneaky things to keep their power.

The Route of the Borgias is actually a route that people can travel on today to go see some of the castles and palaces that the family used to live in. It's like a road trip, but instead of just driving to random places, you're following a special path to see some really cool places that the Borgias used to hang out in.

Along the route, you can see things like the Borgia Castle, which was their main home. It's a really big castle with a lot of rooms and it looks like something right out of a fairy tale! You can also see the Santuario di Santa Maria ai Monti, which is a beautiful church that the family used to go to.

There are also lots of other really interesting places to see on the Route of the Borgias, like the town of Cesena, which has a lot of historical buildings and museums that tell the story of the family.

So, to sum it up, the Route of the Borgias is a special route that you can take to see some really cool places that the powerful Borgias family used to live in. It's like a road trip with a history lesson!