ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rowing on the River Thames

Rowing on the River Thames is a fun sport that people like to do. It's like paddling a big boat with oars. The River Thames is a really big river in England where lots of people like to row.

Rowers use really long oars that they hold with both hands, similar to how you hold a broomstick. They then row their boat by pushing against the water with the oars. It's like you're doing your homework and pushing your pencil on the paper to write letters, but with rowing you are pushing the oar on the water. This helps the boat move forward.

Rowing on the River Thames can be exciting and challenging because the river can be very calm or very wavy. The boats are also really long and skinny, to help them move through the water faster. The people who row on the Thames do so for exercise, fun, and even competitions against other rowers.

In order to stay safe, rowers have to listen to their coach and learn how to move their oars properly without hitting other boats or falling over. Rowers also have to wear life jackets in case they fall in the river.

Overall, rowing on the River Thames is a cool way to have fun, stay active, and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the river!