ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences

A long time ago, some grown-ups in charge wanted to think about how they could help make the country better in a really special way. So they put together a group of very smart grown-ups to talk about all the things that make art, writing, and science important, and how they can make them even better. They called this group the Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters, and Sciences.

These very smart grown-ups looked at things like paintings, books, music, inventions, and discoveries, and talked about how they could help more people learn from and enjoy them. They also talked about how they could make sure that people who create these things can make a living doing what they love.

After they talked for a long time, they wrote down all of their ideas in a special report that people could read and learn from. This report helped lots of other grown-ups who were in charge make better decisions about how to support art, writing, and science in the country.

In a way, it was like when you and your friends talk about all the cool things you want to do when you grow up, and then you might write them down so you don't forget. The Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters, and Sciences did the same thing, just for grown-ups and really important things.