ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ruling party

A ruling party is like the leader of a group of friends. Imagine that you and your friends are playing a game and one friend gets to be the leader. This friend gets to make the rules and everyone else has to follow those rules.

In a country, a ruling party is a group of people who have won an election and become the leaders of the country. Just like the leader of a group of friends gets to make the rules, the ruling party gets to create the laws and regulations for the whole country to follow.

The ruling party is usually made up of people who have similar ideas about how the country should be run, and they work together to make decisions that they think will improve the country. They will also choose a leader, who is like the leader of your group of friends, to be the main person in charge.

However, not everyone in the country will agree with the ruling party or their decisions. Some people might even try to form their own groups or parties to challenge the ruling party. This is like when one friend doesn't like the rules the leader made and tries to create her own game.

Overall, a ruling party is like the leader of a group of friends who make the rules for the whole country. They work together to make decisions and lead the country, but not everyone will agree with their ideas.