ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ryūnosuke Akutagawa

Ryūnosuke Akutagawa was a man who lived in Japan a long time ago. He was really good at writing stories. His stories were sometimes scary, sometimes funny, and sometimes sad. People liked his stories so much that they made them into movies and TV shows.

Ryūnosuke was a very smart person. He read a lot of books and learned about many different things. He even went to college to study literature! He wrote many stories about things he learned, like history and Buddhism, which is a religion in Japan.

Even though he was very smart, Ryūnosuke had some hard times. He had some problems with his health and sometimes felt sad. He even wrote a story once about a person who wanted to kill themselves. But even though he had these problems, he kept writing amazing stories that people loved to read.

Unfortunately, Ryūnosuke passed away when he was still young. But even though he lived a long time ago, people still remember him and read his stories.