ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

SMS Möwe (auxiliary cruiser)

So, have you ever heard of a spy? They try to keep secrets and gather information for their country. Well, SMS Möwe was kind of like a spy ship for Germany during World War I. But instead of spying, it was sneaky in a different way.

You know how ships usually have big guns on them to fight other ships, right? Well, SMS Möwe didn’t have any big guns or fancy weapons like that. Instead, it had a secret mission – to sneak up on other ships and attack them without getting caught.

It was called an auxiliary cruiser because it was a normal-looking ship that could do lots of different jobs. It could carry cargo, be used as a hospital, and even look like a regular cruise ship if it needed to. But its secret mission was to go around the world and attack British ships without getting caught.

So, imagine if you wanted to sneak up on someone and surprise them. You wouldn't want to make any noise or draw attention to yourself, right? Same thing with SMS Möwe. It had to be super sneaky and stay hidden so that no one would know it was coming or going. And it worked! It attacked lots of ships and got away without anyone finding out who did it.

But eventually, the sneaky ship was caught by a British warship and had to surrender. So, while it did a good job of being sneaky and carrying out its secret mission, it eventually got caught and the secret was out.