ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Saartjie Baartman

Okay kiddo, let me tell you a story about a woman named Saartjie Baartman. She was born in South Africa long ago, in 1789. She looked different from most people in her village because she had a bigger bottom and thighs than what was considered normal in her culture.

One day, a British man named William Dunlop saw her and convinced her to travel with him to Europe to perform in shows because he thought people would be curious about her body shape. They called her "The Hottentot Venus" and people would pay money to see her walk around in revealing clothing.

Saartjie didn't really have a choice in this, because she was taken away from her home and family without her consent. She was treated like a freak show attraction and people stared at her all the time. They measured her body and even put her in a cage like she was an animal.

Many people in Europe were fascinated with Saartjie and even scientists studied her body to learn more about why she looked different. But this was all really wrong, because Saartjie was a human being and shouldn't have been treated like a sideshow.

Sadly, Saartjie got very sick from being mistreated and being away from her home. She died when she was only 26 years old. After she died, people still wanted to learn more about her, so some scientists even dissected her body to continue their studies.

It's really sad to think about what happened to Saartjie Baartman. She was mistreated and exploited because people were curious about how she looked. We should always remember her story and make sure we treat everyone with kindness and respect, no matter how they look or where they come from.