ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Saiga semi-automatic rifle

A saiga semi-automatic rifle is a type of gun that can shoot bullets one after the other without you having to reload after each shot. It works sort of like a toy pop gun or a water gun, where you pull the trigger and it shoots out a bullet, but instead of just one bullet, it can shoot a lot of them!

The saiga rifle uses a part called a "magazine" to hold the bullets. The magazine is like a little box that you put the bullets into before you start shooting. The magazine clicks into place in the bottom of the gun, and when you pull the trigger, the gun uses a special mechanism to push another bullet up from the magazine and into the part of the gun where the bullets come out.

But wait, there's more! The saiga rifle is also "semi-automatic," which means that after you shoot one bullet, the gun will automatically load another bullet into the part where bullets come out, so you can just keep pulling the trigger to shoot more bullets without having to stop and load them one by one.

But even though the saiga rifle can shoot a lot of bullets pretty fast, it's still a very dangerous weapon and not something that kids should play with or handle without adult supervision. It's important to always be very careful and responsible around guns, and to only use them in a safe and legal way.
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