ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sales density

Okay kiddo, imagine a store like a toy store or a candy store. Now think about how many people come into that store in a day. Sales density is how much money the store makes per square foot of space it has.

So when a lot of people come into the store and buy lots of things, the sales density goes up because the store is making more money per square foot of space. But if not many people come in or they don't buy many things, then the sales density goes down.

It's important for stores to keep track of their sales density because it helps them figure out if they are using their space efficiently and making enough money. Stores can also use this information to decide what products to sell and where in the store to put them.

So that's sales density, it's how much money a store makes per square foot of space by selling things to people.