ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

San Bernardino alle Ossa

San Bernardino alle Ossa is a church in Milan, Italy that is special because it has a very unique and kind of creepy chapel called the "ossuary" (pronounced ah-suh-ree).

An ossuary is a place where bones are stored, and the one in San Bernardino alle Ossa has thousands of skulls and bones on display. These bones used to belong to people who had died a long time ago, and they were moved to this church to be respected and remembered even after they were gone.

The church wanted to make sure that these bones were treated with care and respect, so they made a special place for them that is decorated with intricate designs made out of bones. Some of the designs even spell out messages or symbols.

Even though there are so many bones in the ossuary, it is actually a peaceful and respectful place to visit. It can help us remember and honor those who have passed away, and also appreciate the unique and interesting art that can be created out of things that may seem scary or gross at first.