ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Scattering is like what happens when you throw a ball at a target. The ball is scattered or bounced off the target and doesn't go exactly where you intended it to go. This is what happens when something called "particles" get in the way of light, sound, or other things like that. The particles in the air or in other materials can make the light or sound get scattered or spread out in different directions instead of going in a straight line.

Think of it like sprinkling salt on your food. When you sprinkle a little bit it goes all over, but if you sprinkle it straight down, it would all land in one spot. The same thing happens to light when it hits particles, and it makes it look like the light is coming from all different directions. This is called "scattered light."

Scientists use scattering to help them learn about the things around them. For example, they can use it to figure out what air is made of, or how pollution is affecting the environment. They can even use it to see inside your body!