ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Scene graph

Imagine you have a big toy box with lots of small toys inside. You want to put them in a certain order so you can easily find them later. So, you start by grouping similar toys together, like all your cars or your dolls. After that, you put the bigger toys on the bottom and stack the smaller ones on top. This way, the big toys won't get squished or lost under the little ones.

A scene graph is kind of like your toy box. It's a way for a computer to organize all the different objects in a 3D scene. Instead of putting toys in groups, the computer organizes objects like trees, buildings, and characters based on their relationships to each other.

For example, the computer might group all the trees together in a forest, then group all the buildings together in a town. Next, it will stack them in order, like putting the ground first, then the trees, then the buildings, then the characters. This way, when you look at the scene from different angles, everything is in the right place and nothing gets lost or blocked by something else.

Overall, a scene graph helps the computer keep everything organized and makes it easier to work with and display a 3D scene.