ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Scintillation counter

A scintillation counter is an electronic device that can help scientists detect things that are too small to see with their eyes, like tiny particles from outer space or the tiniest bits of radiation.

It works like this: when a particle or ray of radiation strikes a special material called a scintillator, it gives off a tiny flash of light. The scintillator absorbs some of the energy from the particle and that energy makes the flash of light.

Then, a device called a photomultiplier tube is used to sense that light and transform it into an electrical signal that a computer can read. The bigger the particle, the bigger the flash of light, and the bigger the signal the photomultiplier tube sends to the computer.

This way, scientists can detect very small particles and learn all sorts of interesting things about them, without ever seeing them with their own eyes. It's kind of like a secret spy camera that can see into the tiniest corners of the universe!