ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Scottish public bodies

Hello! Do you know what a public body is? It's kind of like a team of people who work for the government to help make important decisions about things that affect everyone in Scotland.

In Scotland, there are many different public bodies that have different jobs. For example, there's the Scottish Ambulance Service, who help people when they're really sick or injured and need to go to the hospital. And then there's the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, who make sure that the air, water, and land in Scotland are clean and safe for everyone to use.

All of these public bodies have a really important job to do, and they have to follow special rules and laws that the government has made to make sure that they're doing their job properly.

So, basically, public bodies are groups of people who work for the government to make sure that Scotland is a safe and healthy place for everyone to live in!