ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Scroll compressor

Okay kiddo, so a scroll compressor is kind of like a special machine that helps make air conditioning and refrigeration work.

Imagine two big pieces of paper that are rolled up together like a toilet paper roll. One piece of paper has a spiral shape on it that moves around, while the other piece of paper stays still.

Now, let's say some gas (like air or refrigerant) gets trapped between the two pieces of paper. As the spiral piece of paper moves, it squeezes the gas so it gets smaller and smaller. This makes the gas get really, really cold.

Then, the gas goes through some pipes and helps cool things down (like your house on a hot day). After the cold gas helps cool things down, it goes through the machine again and gets squeezed more to become even colder.

That's basically how a scroll compressor works. It squeezes gas to make it cold and helps keep things cool.
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