Imagine you and your friends all love playing with toys, but you all want to make sure you have enough of your favorite toys to play with. So, you decide to work together and ask a grown-up, like your teacher or parent, to help you make a plan.
Sectoral collective bargaining is kind of like when groups of grown-ups who work in the same kind of job, like teachers or construction workers, get together and talk to their bosses about how much money they should get paid and what kinds of benefits they should have. They do this because they want to make sure they are all being treated fairly and getting what they need to do their job well.
Just like you and your friends want to make sure you have enough toys to play with, workers in the same job want to make sure they have enough things like money, healthcare, and vacation time to be happy and healthy while they work. By working together and negotiating with their bosses, workers can try to make sure everyone in their group is getting what they need.