ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever played with a water hose and noticed how the water goes through the soil or sand when you spray it on the ground? That's kind of like what seepage is!

When we have a lot of water in one place, like a lake or river, sometimes the water tries to find other places to go. It can start to go down into the ground and move through the soil and rocks underneath. This is what we call seepage.

Sometimes seepage can be a good thing, like when we have wells to get water for our homes. Other times, it can cause problems like making the ground unstable, causing landslides or flooding areas that are not supposed to be wet.

Scientists and engineers study seepage to understand how water is moving through the ground and to figure out ways to prevent any problems that might happen. So next time you play with water, you can think about how it's like seepage and how important it is to take care of our water resources.