ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine you have a special toy box that has the ability to play with its own toys without needing any help from you. The toy box is able to open its lid on its own, pick out its favorite toys, and play with them without any assistance.

Now imagine a computer that is similar to this toy box in the sense that it is able to start up on its own without needing someone to turn it on. This is what people mean when they talk about a self-booter. It is a computer program that allows a computer to start up automatically without anyone pressing the power button.

Essentially, a self-booter is a really helpful program that makes life a lot easier by saving the time and effort it takes to start up a computer manually. Just like how the toy box saves time and effort by playing with its toys on its own, a self-booter saves time and effort by starting up your computer on its own.