ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sex and gender distinction

Okay, so do you know that boys and girls are different? That's right! But do you know that being a boy or a girl isn't just about what you have between your legs? That's where sex and gender come in.

Sex means if you are physically identified as a boy or a girl based on your body parts, like having a penis or vagina. So, if you're born with a penis, people usually say that you're a boy, and if you're born with a vagina, people usually say you're a girl.

Gender means how someone feels inside, in their mind, about being a boy or a girl. So, some people might look like a boy but feel like they are really a girl, and some people might look like a girl but feel like they are really a boy. This is called being transgender. Some people just feel like they don't fit in as a boy or a girl, and that's okay too!

It's important to remember that everyone is different, and sometimes people's bodies, feelings and identities don't match up exactly. So, it's always best to be kind, respectful, and accepting of everyone - no matter how they look or feel.