ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Shawn Lonsdale

Shawn Lonsdale was a man who became very famous for documenting the town of Clearwater, Florida. He liked to take pictures and videos of things that were happening around town, and he would post them online for everyone to see.

People started to pay attention to Shawn because he wasn't afraid to take pictures of things that other people might not want to. He would take pictures of abandoned buildings, rundown neighborhoods, and even the police.

Because of this, Shawn started to make some enemies. Some people in the town didn't like that he was making it look bad, and they started to harass him. They would call him names, threaten him, and even damage his property.

Despite the harassment, Shawn kept documenting the town and posting his pictures and videos online. He even started a website called "Scientology-Kills" to expose what he believed were harmful practices of the Church of Scientology in Clearwater.

Unfortunately, Shawn passed away in 2008. But his legacy lives on, and he is remembered as someone who was dedicated to exposing what was really happening in his town, even if it meant facing harassment and violence.