ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so have you ever heard about shoe-throwing? It's when someone takes off their shoes and throws them at someone else. This is usually done as a sign of disrespect or protest.

Now, this can happen for different reasons like if someone doesn't like the person they are throwing their shoes at or if they are angry about something that person said or did. It is also considered an insult in some cultures to throw shoes at someone.

But you know what, throwing shoes is not cool! It can hurt someone's feelings and even hurt them physically if the shoe hits them in the face or other sensitive areas.

So, always remember to treat others with respect and kindness. If you don't like someone or something they did, you can talk to them or others about it instead of throwing your shoes at them. And if someone throws a shoe at you, just remember that it's not your fault and you should not engage in the same behavior.