ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Zelyonka attack

So, imagine a group of bullies who want to hurt others. They have this thing called zelyonka, which is a liquid that makes things green. They decide to use it to hurt people by throwing it on their faces.

This is called a zelyonka attack. It's like when you play with paint and accidentally spill it on your clothes, except in this case, it's intentional and can hurt people.

The problem with zelyonka is that if it gets into your eyes or mouth, it can make you sick. It's not a nice thing to do to someone, and it's actually against the law to harm someone with zelyonka.

So, if anyone ever tries to do this to you or someone else, make sure you tell an adult right away. Remember, it's not okay to hurt others, and we need to help each other stay safe.