ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Flour bombing

Imagine you are playing with sand on the beach and you have a big pile of sand. Now think about flour as a type of sand that is very light and powdery. Flour bombing is like throwing a handful of flour into the air, but instead of a handful, it's a much larger amount that is thrown all at once, like a big cloud of flour.

People use flour bombing as a way to celebrate or have fun, but it can also be used to create a messy prank. When the flour is released into the air, it creates a big white cloud that can cover people and objects nearby, making them look like they are covered in snow.

However, flour bombing can be dangerous if the flour gets into someone's eyes or if someone inhales too much of it. It's important to only do flour bombing in a safe area where nobody is likely to get hurt or breathe in too much flour.

In summary, flour bombing is like throwing a big cloud of powdery flour into the air for fun or as a prank, but it should only be done in a safe and controlled environment.