ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Shopper marketing

Shopper marketing is like playing a game with your mommy or daddy at the store. The game is all about finding what you want to buy and then making sure you take it home with you.

The stores want to help you win this game because then you will keep playing with them again and again. They do this by putting things in front of you that you like - toys, snacks, and fun things that make you happy. They also put signs up that show you where to find things, like the candy aisle or the toy section.

Sometimes the stores even offer you special deals or coupons, so you can buy more things for less money. They do all of this to make sure you are happy and want to come back and play the shopping game again.

Shopper marketing is all about making sure the store is set up to help you win, so you can get your favorite things and be happy.