ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Show hack

Okay kiddo, have you ever played a game where you have to find hidden things like treasure or clues? Well, hacking is when someone tries to find hidden things in a computer system. It's kind of like being a detective on the computer.

Now, when someone shows a hack, they are basically showing others how they found those hidden things. It's like telling your friends where to look for the treasure so they can find it too.

But wait, there's more! Not all hacks are good. Some people use their detective skills to find ways to break into someone else's computer. That's not a good thing because it's like stealing someone's treasure without permission. So, we have to be careful and use our hacking skills for good things like protecting our own computer or finding ways to make things work better.

So, in summary, a show hack is someone showing others how they found hidden things in a computer system, but it's important to use our hacking skills for good things and not to break into someone else's computer.