ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Siloam Tunnel

Hello there! Do you know what a tunnel is? It's like a big hole in the ground that you can walk through. Now, the Siloam Tunnel is a special tunnel located in Jerusalem, which is a city far away.

Thousands of years ago, people who lived in Jerusalem needed water to drink and use for their daily needs. They found a spring of water, but it was outside the city walls. To bring the water inside the city, they needed to make a tunnel.

So, the workers started digging a tunnel from the spring towards the city. It was a very long tunnel, and they did not have machines like we have today, so they had to dig with their hands and some basic tools.

To make sure they were digging in the right direction, the workers started digging from two sides, and they met in the middle. It was like two people digging towards each other, and when they finally met, they hugged each other because it was a big accomplishment.

After many years, the Siloam Tunnel was completed, and it brought water to the city for many years. People still visit the tunnel today to learn about its history and see the impressive work that went into creating it.