ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Similarities between Wiener and LMS

LMS and Wiener are both important things that help computers learn and do things better.

LMS stands for Least Mean Squares, and it's like a teacher that helps a computer learn. Just like a teacher corrects mistakes that a student makes, LMS looks at the difference between what the computer does and what it should do, and then helps the computer correct its mistakes so it can get better. Think of it like learning to ride a bike - you make mistakes at first, but with practice and guidance, you get better!

Wiener, on the other hand, is a type of filter that helps the computer clean up signals by removing unwanted noise. It's like cleaning up a messy room! Wiener looks at the "noise" signals and figures out how to get rid of them so the computer can see and hear things more clearly.

So, even though LMS and Wiener are different, they both help computers learn and work more efficiently, just like a good teacher and a good cleaner can help humans learn and live better!