ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sine wave

Hi there! Do you know what a wave is? It's like when you toss a pebble into water and you see the ripples that move away from where the pebble landed. Well, a sine wave is a special kind of wave that goes up and down in a really smooth and flowing way, like if you made a snake wiggle gently from side to side.

You can't see a sine wave but you can imagine it's like the sound of an ambulance or a police car siren that goes "woooo woooo" - this is what a sine wave looks like if you could see it! People use sine waves to make all kinds of things work because they are very predictable and don't have any sudden changes in direction, which can be confusing for machines to understand.

In fact, sine waves are even used in things like music to make sounds that are pleasing to your ears. When a singer or a guitar makes a sound, it is actually a mix of different sine waves, all moving up and down at different speeds and amplitudes (which just means how high or low they go). And if you add up all those different sine waves together, you get the sound that you hear!

So, sine waves are like smooth, flowing up-and-down patterns that we can't see, but we use them all the time to make things work and sound good. Pretty cool, huh?