ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Situation calculus

Imagine that you are playing with blocks and you want to create a tower. However, you can't just stack any block on top of another block - there are certain rules you have to follow. For example, you can't stack a larger block on top of a smaller block, or else it will tip over.

In the same way, when we want to create AI programs that can reason about the world and make decisions based on what they know, we have to make sure that these programs follow certain rules too. These rules are called the "laws of physics" and the "laws of the world".

One way to do this is by using something called the situation calculus. This is like a big rulebook that tells AI programs what they can and can't do, based on the current situation they are in.

For example, let's say you have a robot that is carrying a cup of water. The situation calculus will tell the robot that it can't just tilt the cup over, because that would spill the water. Instead, it has to carefully set the cup down on a stable surface before it can do anything else.

In order to use situation calculus, we need to define certain "actions" that the AI program can take. These are things like "pick up the cup" or "move forward". Then, we need to define the "preconditions" and "effects" of each action. Preconditions are things that have to be true in order for the action to be taken - for example, the robot might have to be within arm's reach of the cup before it can pick it up. Effects are things that happen as a result of the action - for example, if the robot picks up the cup, then the cup is no longer on the table.

By putting all of these rules together, the situation calculus can help AI programs reason logically about the world and make decisions accordingly. It's like giving the AI program a set of rules to follow, like you have a set of rules for building a tower out of blocks.
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