ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Your body is like a house for your organs and muscles, just like a house has a frame to hold it up. That frame is called the skeleton.

The skeleton is like a big puzzle made up of lots of tiny pieces called bones. Bones are hard and strong, kind of like the wood that makes up a house's frame.

The bones in your skeleton connect together to help you move, run, jump and do all sorts of things. Your skull, for example, is made up of lots of bones that fit together to protect your brain like a helmet.

Your spine is also part of your skeleton. It is made up of many little bones called vertebrae that stack on top of each other like pancakes. Your spine helps you stand up straight and also protects your spinal cord, which is like a superhighway for messages from your brain to the rest of your body.

Without your skeleton, you would just be a big blob of skin and muscles with no shape or structure. So, it's important to take care of your bones by eating healthy food like milk, cheese and leafy vegetables, and also by doing activities like running, jumping and playing games that keep your body strong and healthy!