ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sliding wage scale

Imagine you have a jar of cookies and you want to share them with your friends. But you want everyone to have a fair amount of cookies based on how much work they do. So you come up with a plan where each friend gets a different number of cookies based on how much they help with the cleanup after the party.

This plan is like a sliding wage scale. Instead of everyone getting paid the same amount, each person gets paid a different amount based on how much work they do.

In the real world, this can happen with jobs too. Some companies have sliding wage scales where people get paid different amounts based on their job responsibilities, experience, or the level of education they have. For example, someone who works as a manager might get paid more than someone who is just starting out in an entry-level position.

The idea behind a sliding wage scale is to make it fair for everyone. People who have more responsibilities or who have put in more time and effort get paid more than those who don’t.

So, just like with your jar of cookies, the more work you put in, the more you get rewarded!