ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Slow media

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of fast food? It's when you get your food really quickly, right? Well, that's kind of like how most of our media works today. We get our news fast, we scroll through social media quickly, and we don't really take our time to truly understand what we're consuming.

But there's something called slow media. It's like the opposite of fast food - you take your time and savor what you're consuming. Slow media means that you're being more deliberate about what you're reading, watching or listening to, and you take the time to really understand it.

For example, slow media might be reading a book from cover to cover instead of just skimming through it. Or it might be listening to an entire album from start to finish instead of just skipping to your favorite songs. It could be watching a documentary on TV and really paying attention to what's being said instead of multitasking on your phone.

Slow media is all about slowing down and really immersing yourself in what you're consuming. It helps you to better understand and appreciate the content, instead of just mindlessly consuming it. So, next time you're reading a book or watching a movie, try taking your time and really enjoying it, like you would with a good meal - that's what slow media is all about!