ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Smartism is a religion that is practiced mainly in India. This religion is based on the belief that all the different gods and goddesses in Hinduism are really just different versions of one ultimate god, called Brahman. That means that even though people might worship specific gods and goddesses, they all still believe in the same ultimate god.

People who follow Smartism believe that there are five key gods and goddesses that are the most important. These gods and goddesses are Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesha, and Devi. Each of these gods and goddesses is associated with different qualities and characteristics. For example, Vishnu is seen as the protector and preserver, while Shiva is seen as the destroyer.

One of the key practices in Smartism is puja, which involves making offerings and performing rituals to honor the different gods and goddesses. People might offer things like flowers, food, or incense, or they might recite prayers or mantras.

Overall, Smartism is a religion that seeks to reconcile different beliefs and practices within Hinduism, and it emphasizes the idea that all paths can ultimately lead to the same ultimate truth.