ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Social thriller

So, you know how sometimes in movies or TV shows the main character is being hunted down or chased by someone, and it's really scary and intense? Well, sometimes when the villain in these stories isn't a monster or a ghost, but is actually a regular person like the hero, we call it a "social thriller."

The word "social" means relating to people and society, so a social thriller is a scary story where the villain is someone who is part of the same society or community as the hero. This might mean that the villain is someone the hero knows, like a family member or friend, or it might mean that the villain represents a threat that's common in society, like racism or classism.

Social thrillers can be really effective because they tap into real fears and anxieties that people have about the world they live in. They often comment on issues like inequality, power dynamics, and the dangers of blindly following authority. Even though they are scary, they can make us think about important problems and how we can try to solve them.

So, next time you watch a movie or show where the bad guy is someone like the hero, not just a monster, you can remember that it's called a social thriller, and it's trying to teach you something important about the world we live in.