ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Socinianism is a type of religion that started a long time ago, in the 16th century. It was started by some people who wanted to change some of the things that other religions believed in.

The Socinians believed that everyone should be able to read and understand the Bible, even if they weren't priests or important people. They also thought that people should use their own reason and common sense to decide what they believed in, instead of believing everything that religious leaders told them.

One of the biggest things the Socinians believed was that Jesus was a regular human being, just like you and me. They thought that he was really good at teaching people how to be good, but he wasn't a God or a part of God.

The Socinians also believed that everyone who was good would go to heaven, no matter what religion they were. They didn't think that you had to follow one particular religion to go to heaven.

Overall, the Socinians were a group of people who wanted to think for themselves and focus on doing good things. They didn't believe in traditional religious beliefs, but they did think that being a good person was important.
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