ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Solomon W. Golomb

Solomon W. Golomb was a really smart guy who loved math and science. He was also super good at solving puzzles. He came up with lots of cool ideas that helped people use numbers and shapes in different ways.

One of his biggest accomplishments was figuring out a way to make a sequence of numbers that could be used to help hide secret messages. This was called a "pseudo-random sequence," which is like a secret code that looks random but actually follows a pattern that only the person who created it can understand.

Solomon W. Golomb also helped invent a type of math called "combinatorial analysis," which is fancy talk for figuring out different ways to organize things. He used this type of math to help scientists and engineers make better technologies for things like satellites and cell phones.

Overall, Solomon W. Golomb was a really smart and creative person who used his love of math and puzzles to make the world a better place.