ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sorting (sediment)

Imagine you are playing with a bunch of different colored candies. You have red ones, blue ones, yellow ones, and green ones. Now, you want to put them in order from lightest to heaviest.

Sorting sediment is just like that candy game, but with tiny particles of soil, sand, and rock. Sediment is made up of tiny grains that vary in size, shape, and weight. Scientists use a process called sorting to group these grains based on their characteristics.

Just like the candies, sediment grains can be sorted in different ways. First, we can sort them by size. This is called grain size sorting. The larger grains, like pebbles and stones, will sink to the bottom while the smaller grains, like sand and silt, will stay near the top.

We can also sort sediment by shape. This is called grain shape sorting. Rounder grains, like beach sand, are often sorted separately from more angular-shaped grains, like crushed rocks.

Finally, sediment can also be sorted by density. This is called grain density sorting. The heavier particles, like rocks and minerals, will sink to the bottom while the lighter particles, like organic matter, will float on top.

Sorting sediment is an important process for scientists who study the history of the Earth. By understanding how sediment has been sorted over time, they can learn more about how the Earth has changed and what kinds of environments existed in the past.