ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Soviet space program

Imagine a really big country called the Soviet Union. They had a group of really smart people who wanted to do some amazing things with rockets and spaceships. They wanted to explore space and learn new things about the universe.

The Soviet Union started their space program back in the 1950s, and they quickly became one of the world leaders in space exploration. They sent the first satellite, called Sputnik, into space. People were really excited about it! It was like they had lit a lamp in the middle of the darkness of space.

After this, they sent a human named Yuri Gagarin into orbit around Earth. This was the first time a human had ever been in space! Yuri Gagarin had a great adventure, but it was also pretty dangerous.

The Soviet Union continued to have many more amazing adventures in space. They sent cosmonauts, which is what they called their astronauts, to walk in space and orbit around the Earth. Some of them stayed in space for a really long time, studying how humans can adapt to living in space.

The Soviet Union even sent a robot named Lunokhod to the moon. It roamed around and sent pictures back to Earth, so the people could see what it was like up there.

However, the Soviet Union had some setbacks too. They tried to send a spacecraft to Venus, which is a planet close to Earth, but it didn't work out. They also had an accident in 1986 when a spaceship called Challenger exploded, killing all the crew.

But overall, the Soviet space program was really amazing! They did a lot of things that people never thought were possible. It was really exciting to watch people go into space and explore new frontiers!