ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Speech synthesis

Speech synthesis means making a computer talk like a person. Just like how you can talk, a computer can now talk too! But instead of having a mouth and vocal cords, a computer uses special software and hardware to create speech sounds that mimic the human voice.

First, someone has to write down what they want the computer to say, like a story or a set of instructions. Then, they use a special program to turn these words into sound waves. This program decides how each word should be pronounced based on rules that are built in, and how it should sound when spoken.

The way speech is created in the computer is by combining different sounds together. The sounds can be things like vowel and consonant sounds, just like we make when we talk. But in addition, there are many other factors that go into making speech sound natural, like intonation, emphasis, and rhythm.

Once the computer has all the sounds it needs, it sends them to a speaker and you can hear the computer talk out loud. It's really incredible how much technology has developed to make this possible, and it's helping lots of people who can't speak or who have trouble talking communicate better.