ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Spinal board

A spinal board is a flat board that doctors use to move people who have hurt their back or neck really badly.

When someone's back or neck is injured, it's important to keep their spine still and straight so that they don't make the injury worse. Doctors use a spinal board to help with this.

The board is made of a hard material like plastic or wood, and it's put under the person's body. Then, they strap the person onto the board so that they don't move around.

Once the person is safely on the board, the doctors can move them without worrying about hurting their spine more. They might put the board on a stretcher, into an ambulance or helicopter, or even into an MRI machine to take pictures of their spine.

It might seem scary to be strapped to a board like this, but it's important to keep the person safe and help them recover from their injury.