ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Stalinism is a type of government that was led by a man called Joseph Stalin. Stalin was a leader of the Soviet Union from the late 1920s to 1953. Under Stalinism, the people of the Soviet Union did not have the same rights as people who lived in democratic countries. Stalin's government was very strict, and people had to follow rules or laws that he made. The government also had a secret police force that arrested people if they did not obey the laws. People had to work hard and. work long hours or otherwise they would not have enough food or other supplies. Stalin also wanted to make the Soviet Union stronger and more powerful than other countries, and so he spent lots of money on things like military equipment, heavy industry, and farms. He also tried to control the government media to spread his ideas, and made sure that only people who agreed with him were in power.