ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Standard (music)

Do you like to sing or listen to music? You know how sometimes you hear a song and it sounds really good, and sometimes you hear a different song and it doesn't sound as good? That's because there's a thing called "standard" in music. Think of it like a recipe for making a really good song.

Just like when you want to make a cake and you need flour, sugar, eggs, and milk, music has things it needs too. There are certain notes and rhythms that sound good together, and certain instruments that are used a lot in certain kinds of songs. These things are called "standards."

When a musician learns how to play music, they learn these standards so that they know how to make a really good song. And when someone writes a new song, they might use some of these standards to make it sound good too.

So next time you hear a song you really like, it might be because the musician used some of these standards to make it sound really great. Pretty cool, huh?