ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Standards-based assessment

Standards-based assessment is like a report card for your learning. It helps your teacher figure out what you’ve learned and what you still need to learn.

Think about playing a game like soccer. The teacher might make a list of all the things you need to know to be good at soccer, like knowing the rules, how to dribble the ball, and how to score a goal.

Then, your teacher will watch you play to see how well you are doing in each of these different areas. Just like in soccer, the teacher checks to see how well you are doing in different subjects like math, reading, and science during your test.

After your teacher figures out what skills you have learned, they can tell you what you need to work on to become a better soccer player. In the same way, based on your test scores, your teacher will suggest some things you need to focus on to get better grades.

Overall, standards-based assessment is like a way for your teacher to help you improve and become a better learner by figuring out what you need to learn more about.